Analyzing and Reporting Data

Sorting Records


Once a database is populated, it is time to think about how to look at, or analyze, the data. One very basic way to analyze data is to sort it. Sorting data is easy with Access 2007. This lesson will show you how to sort text-based and numeric data using common sorting commands. It will also show you how to clear sorts.
Sorting Records
Sorting is probably the simplest way to look at data; it keeps like things together. In our bookstore database, for example, we could sort our data a number of ways:
  • We could sort orders based on the order date.
  • We could sort our customers by the state in which they live, or by their zip codes.
  • We could sort our books by author, category, or price.
Access 2007 allows you to sort the records in your database tables based on a field or value that is either text (like author's last name) or numerical (like a customer's zip code or a book's price). Depending on the type of value, Access offers different sorting options.

Sorting on Text Values

When Access 2007 sorts on a text value, it offers the two options described in the table below:
Sort Option
Also Called
A to Z
Values closest to A are displayed first
Z to A
Values closest to Z are displayed first
To Sort Based on a Text Value
To sort based on a text value:
  • Click the drop down arrow at the top of the field you wish to sort.
  • When the menu appears, select either the Sort A to Z or the Z to A option.
    • With A to Z, the records will be sorted based on the chosen field's value with the value closest to A at the top of the table, as seen below.
    • With Z to A, the records will be sorted the using the chosen field's value with the value closest to Z at the top of the table.
The sort commands in the Sort group on the Ribbon is another way to begin the sort.

Sorting on Numeric Values

Access 2007 also offers the two options when sorting based on a numeric value. These options are described in the table below:

Sort Option
Also Called
Smallest to Largest
Values closest to 1 are displayed first
Largest to Smallest
Values furthest from 1 are displayed first
To Sort Based on a Numeric Value
To sort based on a number value:
  • Click the drop down arrow at the top of the field you wish to sort.
  • When the menu appears, select either the Lowest to Highest or the Largest to Smallest option.
    • With Smallest to Largest, records will be sorted based on the chosen field's value with the value closest to 1 at the top of the table.
    • With Highest to Lowest, records will be sorted the using the chosen field's value with the value furthest from 1 at the top of the table, as seen below.


  • Open the Customers table and the Books table.
  • Sort the Last Name field in the Customers table from Z to A.
  • Sort the Books table according to Price using the Lowest to Highest option.
  • Clear your sorts.

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